Monday, December 11, 2006

Drunken DDR

So the other night I found myself downtown. Too drunk to drive home and bored. So I headed into the Gameworks and started playing Dance Dance Revolution. I was awful. Even more awful than usual but it was kind of fun anyway. Soon I was pouring sweat. This guy comes up and says "You're great!" And I look at him and say "What are you talking about? I can hardly stand!" And he says "Yeah, but dude, you're sweating. That's cool!" I laughed and thanked him.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


You know how people say live every day as if it were your last? That's stupid...if people did that everyone would be running around screaming, stuffing their faces with drugs and shooting at anybody who annoyed them. Every day. But every once in awhile you should pick a day and live it as if it were your last chance to live that day.

If I was king there'd be a government agency that picks those days for you, randomly. Every five or ten years you'd get a notice in the mail:

Next Oct 21 is your own private LDOE (Last Day On Earth) day. Everything is all right. It's not really your last day on Earth (though that should not be taken as a legal guarantee). Please go crazy and do all the things you've always wanted to do. The following laws will not apply to you for the day...(drug enforcement, public drinking, public nudity [except in school zones], etc) The following laws will be extended or modified in the following ways...(speed limits upped [except in school zones], etc) The following laws still apply...(any violent crimes, etc)

Take the day off from work. The LDOE Agency will cover your salary and hire a replacement to cover your shift if needed. The Agency will also provide a nanny for the day if desired. The following incurred expenses are covered: food (up to $500), skydiving lessons, bike rental, motorcycle or car rental...etc. All museums and amusement parks are free to you. Just use the included LDOE Visa Card which will be active only on Oct 21.

You can of course go to work if you want to. In fact go to work and goof off for awhile. Wearing nothing but a clown wig. It's your day. Just keep in mind that while you can't be fired for anything you do on that day you still have to work with those people.

Contact the Agency at the following number 1-800-last-day if you have any questions or if you want to be included in one of the LDOE group activities.

And be sure to tell everyone you care about how you feel. Even if they might already know it's good to be reminded.

King Brady

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some Interesting Fractal Pics

It's not really the shapes that I find interesting here but the way the shapes are filled in and colored:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Artistic Questions

Here are the answers to five questions I came up with answered by Remi Viger, an artist from Brooklyn, MI...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bruno Bruno Bruno

One of my favorite works of fiction can be seen here.

Beatiful art, beautiful words, interesting words, many words, wonderful characters, sweetness, empathy, pain and so much life.

And now there's me (or a rather square-jawed version of me) with Bruno. (Does Bruno look a bit drunk?)

Thanks Christopher, I can't stop smiling everytime I look at this.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

6 Feet

I was watching the last dvd of 6 Feet Under tonigyt and James Cromwell said something profound: "Our denial of death is our denial of everything Spritual." Or something like that. I'm not a guy who goes for "deep" stuff. I like being thoughtful...but not deep in a Hallmark sense.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

running and laughing

I ran a mile yesterday with Arden riding her bike and yelling engouragement at me. That was fun. When I crossed the "finish line" a woman walking nearby with a man cheered for me. I laughed through my panting. I beat my best time by 4 seconds 5:57. I want to do at least 5:30. I wonder if I should continue running the mile or if I should run longer distances to train? Hmmm...

"Could birds fly if there wasn't someone, somewhere, laughing?" - from Extremely Load and Incredibly Close

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

grip of song

I feel lonely tonight. And even those words mean so many things to so many people. Words are weird. Heh.

I found some lines from an old poem of mine that might be good. MIGHT be good:

held in the grip of song
like a flower
in the grip
of a photograph

It's a little Leonard Cohenish...

It's fun to be inspired by things you yourself created. I look back at some of the things I wrote in the late 90s and early 00s and sometimes I'm pretty impressed. It doesn't seem at all like me who wrote them. I wonder why?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nate Fisher 1965-2005

I watched the end of Six Feet Under today. And it's funny that after everythng I tasted salt. They played Kurt Cobain singing "All in all is all we are" over and over and over... They had Nate say "Kurt was too pure for this world." And I laughed. I mean come on. But it was beautiful. And I wished I could talk to Devlan about it...she'd see how sweet and silly and sad it is. And I thought about how I still don't understand life. Or what I want from it. I could hold the face of everyone who's ever wanted to dance and whisper to are wonderful. Or I could sing "If you're lost you can look and you will find me" and I'd feel like an idiot. But life is fucked up and beautiful...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

kisses and running

While watching Me and You and Everyone We Know I experienced a kiss that I wanted to last all the way to the end of the block.

Tonight Arden and I watched Running Brave about the (half) Native American who won the 10,000 meter race in the 1964 Olympics. At the end I cheered out loud and cried with happiness. Why the hell am I so drawn to sports movies like this (and Breaking Away) when I'm not really interested in sports? (I mean I've always loved biking and tennis and running and table tennis and martial arts and so forth but...ok, maybe in a way I do love sports, just not football or baseball or basketball.)

Maybe what I really truly love is the underdog movie.

Monday, August 14, 2006

This quote from The Writer's Chapbook: A Compendium of Fact, Opinion, Wit, and Advice from the Twentieth Century's Preeminent Writers really explained some things to me about Hemingway's writing.

"I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eighths of it under water for every part that shows."
--Ernest Hemingway

So when

Friday, August 11, 2006

a cartoon

A man is talking to an angel at the gates of heaven. The angel says to him: "Oh my no. That's not a sin either. You poor thing you must have been worried sick."

a poem that I wrote a few years ago

I wrote this in response to a poem I read about dogs, children and Shakespeare. I kinda like this. I'm a little surprised I wrote it.

children understand
what it is to eat
and animals understand
what it is to desire
they think they
only do these things
through instinct
but they are wrong
children laugh
in their sleep
when they think they
love something
and animals
seek comfort because
they are both acting
within and struggling against
their nature
at the same time

Sunday, August 06, 2006


I've had blogs in other places but I lost track of them and anyway they weren't really me. This is me.

I've had hard times lately. But I feel creativity flowing in me again. I want to work on projects again. I want to work on myself again. It's good.

I'm scared. But I'm confident. There you go.

This blog gets its name from the following quote:

The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigous, rational disordering of all the senses. Every form of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he consumes all the poisions in him, and keeps only their qunitessences.
-Arthur Rimbaud